
I woke to a beautifully cool morning, ready to begin my journey, but it was not to last long.  The forecast was for the low 30's, with the high temperatures being reached soon after lunch.

I foolishly listened to my host, who assured me that, no, the path did not go past the castle (though that is where I had seen the signs), it went along this road.  I decided to take her word for it because that is what the map also showed.  Walking uphill, though a different one to the castle, for about a kilometre, and with no turn off taking me in the direction I knew I had to go I decided I would retrace my steps and head up to the castle.
I might have been on the wrong road, but it meant I could take a photo of the Convento do Cristo, showing its immense size.

The path, once past the convent, went meandering across the countryside, more or less following the medieval aqueduct that carried water for about 6 kms to the Convento do Cristo.   On the way I met a young man from Hong Kong.  I asked him to take a photo of me at the start of my journey.  He had seen the signs for the Caminho de Fátima, but didn't know what they were for.  Somewhere in our conversation the question arose as to my safety, as a solo traveller - I don't know why people think this is a problem,.
Passing the castle
Rounding the corner at the end of the Convento I was confronted by the aqueduct,
which I continued to follow for some kilometres. 
The path was shady while the sun was lowerr.

The brain stopped working for a day.  I had booked a room (and paid for it) in Fátima, but there was no way that I was going to make it without some motorised help!  Thus after about 11kms, much discussion that I couldn't understand, a false start to catch a bus, I caught a taxi to Fatima.  Though I gave the driver both the name and address of the hotel, he dropped me several kilometres from it, so I still had quite a hike in the heat.
a rather lovely village on the way to Fátima 

Fátima was the place that I intended to get the 7 stitches in my leg out.  It was not to be - they are still in.  At the third place I had been directed to I got as far as seeing the nurse, but that was all as she couldn't do it without a letter from the Dr.  Not sure where I go to from here.  I have a doctors letter listing all the drugs I have in my first aid kit, but it didn't occur to me (or the Dr) that I would need a letter giving permission for someone else to take them out!  Put it down to experience!
The Santuario in Fátima 
and one of the collanades at the side.
The tombs of two of the three shepherds who saw the apparition of the Mary.
and, overlooking her siblings tombs, the third shepherd, who became a Carmelite Nun.

Ignore this photo - it is in Ourem, where i am tonight.  It just appeared and I can't figure out where the delete button is!


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