
Yesterday I caught the train north to Coimbra, and then a bus to Ansião.  There was much sitting and waiting, in between journeys, but eventually made it to my accommodation just as it was starting to get dark.  The cost of accomodation in this part of the world, compared to home, is quite astonishing.last night I had a private room, complete with sheets and towels and with my own bathroom for €25 (about $42au).
Tiles (above and below)in the church in Entroncamento,  where I managed to have a sing before a Senhora entered.
Near the bus station at Coimbra

An early start, in the cool morning air saw good progress made.  A quick pastry and coffee set me up for reasonably brisk start.  There were a number of villages to walk through, though none with refreshments available.  For a change, after all the road walking on the Fátima path, most of the journey was through bushland tracks and quiet back roads.  A much more pleasant experience to those days leaving Fátima indeed.
Leaving the village of Ansião
If only the signs were like this 70 kms ago!
Limestone territory
There were occasional obstacles!

Tonight I am in a private albergue (pilgrim hostel), along with a Canadian, lots of Brits, a few Americans, and am not sure where the rest are from.  Had the menu del dia for lunch - 3 courses, a cool drink, and a coffee for the grand sum of €10!.
The church in Alvorge


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